Social Sign on


Social Sign on

It would be good to know how many people use the social sign on feature on a form.  This would help to know it it us useful to have on there and what one they choose most.  FB, Twitter or LInkedIn.
Not applicable
Since this a "Maybe One Day" there is a way to still get this data using smart lists.

Just create two smart lists:

1. A smart list that has the filter "Filled Out Form" filled with the forms you have Social Sign-On installed with a date of activity set to when you installed Social Sign-On, and the filters "Marketo Social _____ Profile URL" for each social network you use Social Sign-On with (Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn) - so for example we only use Facebook and LinkedIn so I would add two additional filters, "Marketo Social Facebook Profile URL" and "Marketo Social LinkedIn Profile URL". These additional filters would be set to "is blank". This gives us the list of people who didn't use Social Sign-On as we would get their social profile URLs if they had.

2. Clone the first list but change the social URL filters to "Is not Blank". Now change to Advanced Filters and set it to "1 and (2 or 3 or 4)" - this makes it so that it will display users who filled out the form, and have either a Facebook URL, a Twitter URL, or a LinkedIn URL, change it depending on how many social profiles you are using ( it may be "1 and 2" or "1 and (2 or 3)" ). This will give us the number of people use used Social Sign-On as these leads have social profile URLs on their record.

You can then build your own report based on the data. Not the most glamorous way to do it, but it gets the job done! I've also attached some screen-shots in case the text wasn't clear.

Not applicable
We have a workaround for you as an interim solution - 
  1. create a custom field named SocialNetwork
  2. place it on the form as a hidden field
  3. we will populate the name of the social network that the user authenticated with
Not applicable

How do we add a Social Sign on button in a Marketo form?

Not applicable

To add the social sign on buttons (LinkedIn, Facebook and/or Twitter):

  • Open up the Form Editor for the form you wish to add the social sign on buttons to
  • Select Form Settings and then Settings from the two menus that drop down
  • Just above where you choose your redirect page you will see the three options for social sign on buttons
  • Choose the one you want and approve the form

Screen Shot 2016-02-10 at 3.23.11 PM.png

The buttons default to underneath your form - if you wish to change that, it will require some custom CSS which allows you to move it to the top left (currently working to find a possible solution to have more control over where we can place ours).

Hope that helps

Level 10 - Community Moderator

(currently working to find a possible solution to have more control over where we can place ours).

Where do you want it?  You can move it basically anywhere on the page.

Not applicable

The note I received from my developer this morning was as follows (it seems like he isn't able to customize the form from Marketo side?):

It looks like the only other option for these social buttons from the interface I can find is having it above the fields to the left as in this screenshot. We can't find anything in marketo help /documentation on moving it marketo side, and it'd be worth pinging them (Support) about it before we take a heavy handed approach.

Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 9.02.17 AM.png

When adding the social sign on fields initially, they messed with the layout of the fields (it landed right in the middle of the form), so we needed to move them to keep a more structured, streamlined look to the page.

While I don't mind it where it is now, if we wanted to move it so it's bottom left, opposite the Download Report button, if there is suggested CSS to do so, that would be appreciated! I am also hoping to remove the grey background on the area so that it looks less like a button on a button (make the instructional text white and just have the social platform button).

A note (in case it makes a difference) that this is a WordPress landing page with the Marketo form embedded.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

What's an example URL so I can see the live form?

Not applicable

I created a test landing page for this and you can see it at - .

Level 10 - Community Moderator

OK, thanks... I'll get back later!

Level 10 - Community Moderator


    MktoForms2.whenRendered(function(form) {

    var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],

        cfWidgetEl = formEl.querySelector('.cf_widgetLoader'),

        submitWrapperEl = formEl.querySelector('.mktoButtonWrap');




<style type="text/css">

    .cf_widget { float: left; }
