Make "Email" the default tab in Marketo Sales Insight

Make "Email" the default tab in Marketo Sales Insight

It would be nice if we could make the "Email" tab the default in Marketo Sales Insight (in Salesforce).  This is the most referred to tab among our Salesforce users, and let's face it, Marketo Sales Insight can be slow to navigate around.

Level 10

Hi Allison,

I would not agree on this. When well used, Interesting moments should be the most used tab in MSI. For a sales person, knowing that someone filled out a form, attended an event or registered for an offer if far more valuable than knowing which emails were sent or clicked.

If you do not have these info in MSI, and if email tab is the most used one, it is probably the symptom that you should consider investing more in Interesting moments.


Not applicable

I can see uses for each of your cases. 

So rather than changing the default tab for everyone it might be best if there were an option for each org / profile / user to be able to setup their own default.

Level 10



Not applicable

This is actually my intent.  I'm not suggesting this for everyone. I am suggesting that we have an option to make it the default.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas