Have mktoImg in guided LP templates manage <A> links as they do in email 2.0

Have mktoImg in guided LP templates manage <A> links as they do in email 2.0

In email 2.0 templates, the mktoImg elements have options to manage the <a> links around the image.

Typically, something such as:

<div class="mktoImg" id="exampleImg" mktoName="Example Image" mktoImgLink="http://www.marketo.com"

  <a style="text-decoration:none;"><img style="border:10px solid red;"></a>


will work pretty smoothly and the dialog will enable to enter the href, <a> style will be kept, etc...

All this does not work on landing pages. Therefore, we need to code the <A> outside of the div containing the image, or step back to a mktoEditable element, which sort of denies the purpose of the mktoImg...

So please Marketo, add the support for <A> link in mktoImg elements ofr guide LP templates.


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