Auto-Save disable or Undo

Auto-Save disable or Undo

It would be nice to disable the auto-save feature or at least have an undo.  The issue is 2 fold.

1. It makes the process of updating much longer. For instance, when updating the settings section in an email. After clicking operational email it saves, then clicking include webpage link it saves, after updating the email address it saves, after updating send name it saves. Thus, making a 5 second task 45+ seconds. 

2. The real issue arises when updating emails, forms etc. Recently our collateral designer created an email. He unknowingly had two windows open to the same email. After completing the email in one window, it saved. Later, he was going through his open windows and came across the second window he had opened to the previously completed email. The blank email then auto saved when he clicked on it. His completed email was over written by the blank email. Since, the email had never been approved all work was lost.

Level 2
I don't mind the auto-save, but the problem I have is waiting for the page to auto-save. It would be really nice to click on the button to save. I've been having issue with Marketo giving me an error while I wait for the page to auto save and have notice that my page was not saved. All of my changes didn't happen so I have go back and make the changes again. If I'm lucky the page will save. Than again I would have to make the same changes three or even four times before it saves.

I don't know if anyone is having this problem but I know I do. I would also like an undo, just in case I make a mistake and I can undo what I just did. Makes my job a lot easier.
Level 10

A good way to implement this in conjunction with Marketo auto-save would be the way it's done in Litmus, for instance: the user has a timeline with all recorded versions of the work and can at any point restore one of these versions. The timeline could be limited to 1 day, 1 week or forever, depending on the Marketo version.


Not applicable

YES PLEASE!!!! Undo, control z is very important feature!

Not applicable

Versioning and an audit trail!!!!

Level 10

My understanding is that Audit trail is on it's way, although I have no ETA.


Not applicable


How is it possible that this simple undo feature, that was requested in 2011, and has 3,340 voting points, has not been implemented?

Not applicable


Audit trail is a feature I'm currently working on. It's planned to be available in our Q3 release, so later this year 2016! I have detailed out the scope and details in this other thread

About's there with good intentions It's also the end point of what will lead to an audit trail record. So as you're making changes, we will capture those in the audit trail as the auto save completes. For example, within one task of updating an email there can be multiple auto saves and therefore multiple audit records. An admin (or, a role that the admin assigns to get access to audit trail) can technically go into the audit trail to see what changed.

About undo, I actually like this idea but it's not in our roadmap. Technically, you can use the audit trail to see what happened then 'undo' the changes. I realize it's not exactly what many of you are asking for, but I hopefully all of this can address the need in some way.

Please let me know if you have additional questions.


Not applicable

Undo would by marvellous!

Level 2

Agree that the auto-save feature is unnerving for some. However, surely you can discard the draft if you aren't happy with the auto-saved changes?

Not applicable

I'd love at least to undo the last save. I once selected a field and someone pressed my keyboard and got into a mess. Instead of looking what the field had in the logs, a simple undo would be perfect.