Add the ability to search by form number


Add the ability to search by form number

We have forms that are embedded on our website (non-Marketo pages) and when troubleshooting issues or making edits to these forms, we use the website code to get the form number and then we have to try and locate this form number in Marketo by clicking through all our forms (or making educated guesses based on experience/naming conventions).


It would be nice to be able to search for forms by their "Asset ID #" or Form # instead of only being able to search by name.  


Admitting some of this is self-inflicted due to the amount of forms we have!

Level 1

Hey op!


Just a tip to help you for the time being, but I like to add the form number in the naming convention so I can search both ways, for example:
WF-####-Contact Us

WF-####-Request a Demo


It's saved me a lot of time when creating campaigns and building web pages 🙂

Level 2

@Marketo_Grace I like it! I'll do that as a workaround for now.  Thanks for the suggestion!