Ability to give subfolders the same name

Ability to give subfolders the same name

If I have 2 top-level folders, Events and Email Blasts, I should be able to create subfolders within each that have the same name, such as:

Events > June 2013
Email Blasts > June 2013

Right now every folder and subfolder must have a unique name, so I have to do something like:

Events > June 2013 Events
Email Blasts > June 2013 Email Blasts
Not applicable
I'm with you Amelia - we have multiple monthly folders, so I've gotten creative to be able to use the same month/year over again.
Not applicable
Not only that, but you're not even able to give a folder and a program the same name. We typically have a program for something like a webinar, and then a folder that contains all the distribution tactic programs for that program, and we're unable to name them the same thing, which gets confusing sometimes.
Not applicable
This would be fantastic! We are manging global offices and have a folder structure based on regions but have to get creative with all of our naming conventions.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas