A report type that will show the data points that have been filled out in a particular form

A report type that will show the data points that have been filled out in a particular form

 A report that contains all of the information that Leads fill out in a particular form.  This information is corrently housed in the Lead's activity log, however there isn't a Report or mechanism to extract this data.

Level 10
A work around is to pull a smart list and make a new view to include those fields you want to see... then you can export this if needed.
Not applicable
Thanks Kim for the workaround!  I will contact the customer and advise.

Not applicable
It would be helpful if it were possible to report on the fields *as they were filled out* as opposed to as they *currently exist*. This would help greatly with data auditing. A simple CSV export of form fills.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it