Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Do you know what all type of tokens you can create in Marketo?

9. Text - It stores only text value. The size limit for Text tokens is 524,288 characters or 2 MB.

These numbers are not consistent, though. 524,288 ASCII characters is 524,288 bytes.  2 MB is 2,097,152 bytes, and you'll find that you can store > 2MB of ASCII in a Text {{my.token}}. 

UTF-8 characters beyond Latin-1 take 2, 3, or 4 bytes; UTF-16 characters are always 2b. You need to understand when these factors do and don't apply, because Marketo supports Unicode.

In general, Sant, can you please test more thoroughly? Admittedly the docs are inaccurate re: datatype limits, but it doesn't help to add more inaccuracy....