Finding out who has hard or soft bounced

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Finding out who has hard or soft bounced


My sales teams want me to tell them which of their customers email addresses has hard or soft bounced. I can get the top level number but not the detail on who the individual contacts are.

Can anyone tell me how to create the report please?

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Re: Finding out who has hard or soft bounced

You should be able to create an smart list and use the email bounced or email soft bounced filters, or sales email bounced if they are sending from SFDC or Outlook plugin. The samrt list will then give you the name of the leads.
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Re: Finding out who has hard or soft bounced

Hi Sarah - I actually created two different smart lists for this.  I have a hard bounces smart list which uses the 'email bounced' filter (this you can either set to is any email or a specific email/s), and I also have a soft bounces smart list that uses the 'email bounced soft' filter and you can fill in the same settings as above.  After that I click view qualified leads> qualified leads and a full list of emails bounced appeared.  You can change your view so you can export just the information you want, or you can add a filter so you can see bounces based on sales reps.

I am not sure if this is easier or harder than Cathal suggested, but I don't have a Salesforce so there's a lot of things I have to do more manually.

Hope this helps!  
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Re: Finding out who has hard or soft bounced

Additionally - you could do if your sales team wanted instant gratification and don't mind a little extra communication is create a smart campaign that listens for hard bounces and have it automatically create an interesting moment so it would show up in the contact record. 

This could also be done for soft bounces which really are not as impacting as hard bounces. It might be possible to include the bounce reason as well.