Secured domains for tracking links: necessary?

Level 10

Secured domains for tracking links: necessary?

We have noticed that our email links, when clicked via Chrome, often gives the "not secure" warning to users. Not good. We thought we had secured domains set up, but it seems it's different for landing pages vs tracking links. Sigh. 

My questions are:

1. Is there any alternative to buying secured domains for tracking links via Marketo? Could we buy and manage the certificates ourselves? How difficult would this be?

2. In the short term, before we have a solution, are there any things we can do to mitigate this? I'm guessing there's a setting in Chrome which means that SOME users see it, but not all. Something like "trust unsecured connections" or similar.

Any ideas?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Secured domains for tracking links: necessary?

1. Is there any alternative to buying secured domains for tracking links via Marketo? Could we buy and manage the certificates ourselves? How difficult would this be?

It's not just the cert, you have to manage a reverse proxy that uses the cert. But it's actually really easy if you're familiar with such things, couple hours to set up and test at most.

2. In the short term, before we have a solution, are there any things we can do to mitigate this? I'm guessing there's a setting in Chrome which means that SOME users see it, but not all. Something like "trust unsecured connections" or similar.

Browsers' default settings are getting increasingly explicit about non-HTTPS sites. Even if you could tweak it down for a browser on your own machine, that wouldn't change the way people see the site in the real world.