Leads to Opportunities join

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Leads to Opportunities join

I am extracting Leads and opportunities tables from Marketo and SFDC respectively. I want to join the 2 tables in the database, and see SFDC Account ID to be a common column. Is that the right column to join the 2 tables?

Or do I go via the SFDC Accounts table to join the leads with Opportunities?



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Leads to Opportunities join

You should do that in SFDC or a BI tool. Marketo not a good place for this.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Leads to Opportunities join

Beyond Josh's response, I don't even understand the question.

You can't "synthesize" Opportunity links that don't already exist.  If your Oppties are in SFDC then you'd already have the junction logic in place (Opportunity Contact Role, etc.) happening.

Not applicable

Re: Leads to Opportunities join

Let me reframe it. What column in SFDC Opportunity table will tell me that the Opportunity is Marketing Influenced?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Leads to Opportunities join

Let me reframe it. What column in SFDC Opportunity table will tell me that the Opportunity is Marketing Influenced?

That would be the Campaign Influence list (related list on Oppty).

AFAIK, it's not possible to access this related list in Marketo unless you (flatten and) copy it to an Opportunity field, but if you're using SFDC that's not a problem.

Not applicable

Re: Leads to Opportunities join

Thanks for the Reply.

I don't see the Campaign Influence table in my SFDC API connection. so I am assuming the API user does not have access to it. Secondly I see the Campaign Id Column in OPPORTUNITY that can join to SFDC Campaigns.

Is there any reference Column to link a SFDC Campaign Row to a Marketo Campaign Row?

I am separately extracting the data from SFDC and Marketo and want to use Business Objects to report the data. But the problem is I cannot join the tables correctly.