Automated Excel Imports

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Automated Excel Imports

Hello there,

We are working with a service who provides us with a daily list of leads via excel spreadsheet. I was wondering if anyone has experience working with a Marketo partner or tool that can automatically call to Excel spreadsheets or batch import them - rather than do daily manual imports, we would rather automate the process.

Of course, we are also exploring the data entering Marketo directly via API, but for now we have excel spreadsheets for specific reasons, and we would like to work with our existing processes before we build something new.

Any thoughts on automated/scheduled excel imports?
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Re: Automated Excel Imports

The Marketo importToList API would work great in this case:

An example program that would work: 
Step 1: Convert the Excel file to CSV format
Step 2. Write a program to read the CSV file, and upload to Marketo using the importToList API
Step 3: Verify the upload was successful with the getImportToListStatus API
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Re: Automated Excel Imports

You should also explore "server-side" form post. A lot of vendors are set up to push leads to you using form posts instead of direct api uploads.
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Re: Automated Excel Imports

Mulesoft also has a free product that you might want to take a look at: - these can only load into SFDC at the moment, but you can set up Marketo campaigns to look for these leads.

They also have a paid CloudHub product that can sync with Marketo, but requires some development efforts.

I am not affiliated with Mulesoft.
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Re: Automated Excel Imports

Marketo has sample uses for importToList API in PHP, Ruby and Java. Does anyone have samples in VBScript or know of a reliable PHP to VBScript converter?