Smart campaign question

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Smart campaign question

We forgot to turn on the lightbulb so we don't see any of the leads who filled out our form? How can we get those leads/reports after the fact? We have turned it on going forward.
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Smart campaign question

Hi Maura,

You can create a batch campaign to catch the leads you missed.  

In the smart list, you will want:
Filled Out Form - Form is FORM_EXAMPLE - Date of Activity is between (specify dates)
Member of Smart Campaign is not FORM_CAMPAIGN 

This will catch anyone who filled out your form between what should have been the start of your campaign and the day you turned on the campaign, but keep those who are already members of the campaign from being added again.  For the flow actions, you can either set up the same flow steps as your initial campaign or you can use the request campaign flow step to request the initial campaign.