Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

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Level 10

Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

I am trying to use Qualtrics webservice flow step to call a /save endpoint in order to send back to Marketo some NPS value. It takes the following setup:


But Marketo records nothing.

Any idea?



Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

/save2 has more required fields (formvid -- same value as formid -- perhaps one more, I'm away from my machine right now).

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Email -- capital E.

Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Thx, but this is not enough

The difficulty is that I have not been able to find a log in Qualtrics...


Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

In test mode, the call returns

<!DOCTYPE HTML> <head> <title>404 - Page not found</title> <style> body { background-color: #4b4b8f; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size:20px; color: white; } div.message { position: relative; top: 150px; margin: auto; width: 600px; text-shadow: 1px 2px #333; } div.message h1 { text-align: center; } div.message img { float:left; vertical-align:text-top; margin: 80px 0px; } div.details { position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; font-size: 18px; text-shadow: 1px 2px #333; } </style> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> </head> <body> <div class="message"> <h1>Quoth the Raven - 404</h1> <img src="" alt="Quoth the Raven: 404"/> Once upon a midnight dreary,<br> while I pondered weak and weary,<br>Over many a quaint and curious<br> volume of forgotten lore,<br><br>While I nodded, nearly napping,<br> suddenly there came a tapping,<br>As of some one gently rapping,<br> rapping at my chamber door.<br><br>`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, <br> `tapping at my chamber door -<br>Only this, and nothing more.'<br><br> Page not found: 404 </div> <div class="details"> Error 404 | <script language="JavaScript"> document.write( new Date().toLocaleString()); </script> </div> </body> </html>

Looks like this nice page:



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Looks like they're GETing. You have to POST to /save.

Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

And when testing with save2 endpoint, I get the following:



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

/save2 has more required fields (formvid -- same value as formid -- perhaps one more, I'm away from my machine right now).

Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Hi Sanford,

Thx. Just need it with the uppercase V : formVid , as written in another post.


Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Hi Grégoire Michel​ did you get this working?  I work for Qualtrics and can have an engineer look into this for you asap.



Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Hi Gerard,

Yes, I did. Thx

I would have a lot of negative comments to make re. the current Marketo-Qualtrics connector though. As I have also had the occasion to set up the SurveyMonkey connector, the functional difference is huge.

There are at least 3 domains where the connector is missing the target:

  • The exchange of distributions and personal links is based on static lists and is a one off, to be triggered manually from Qualtrics. It should be dynamic (adding someone to a Qualtrics survey should be possible through a Marketo webhook for instance). This could be done with some custom dev, of course, what what is the purpose of a connector if it leaves key functionality to custom dev ?
  • Saving to Marketo some question answers (e.g an NPS) takes the use of Qualtrics web service in a flow, calling the save2 endpoint. This is really far too complex a process for the average marketer.
  • Qualtrics does not push custom activities (question answered or not, value answered, survey started, abandonned or completed) to Marketo. These activities could easily be used to trigger smart campaigns or for filters.
