How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

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How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?


Is there a way I can include the customer's personalized GoToWebinar link in the Marketo automated webinar confirmation email?

Currently the confirmation email has the option to add the event to Outlook (this is great). When the outlook reminder (usually 15 minutes before) pops up, the information from the confirmation email can be seen.

If there was a way I could include the personalized link in the confirmation email, it would be much easier for customers to join the webinar (they could click through straight from the event reminder) - rather than search through other old emails to find the personalized link.

Thank you!

Level 10

Re: How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

Are you using the Marketo Webinar Connector? If you are then you can use the token {{member.webinar_url}} and it will put the persons specific URL into the email. 

You do need to factor in a wait step of 5-10mins to ensure that Marketo has sync'd with GoToWebinar etc and got the personalised URL back.

Hope that helps?

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Re: How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

Hi Juli,

Thanks for your reply! Yes we are using the connector and we're getting the link to pull through fine if its a single webinar

Do you know if its possible to send this customized link in the if the webinar is apart of a series? We're unable to get this to work!

Thank you!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

According to the Marketo documentation, a "Send email" flow step within the "register" smart campaign is required to send out the confirmation email:


Yet when we tested this, as soon as I registered, I received a very comprehensive confirmation email from GTW - which also included my personal URL to access the webinar on the event date.  Are you experiencing this as well?  And if so, I question the need to send two confirmation emails to the registrant - one from Marketo; and one from GTW.

Here's what the confirmation email looks like from GTW:


Level 10

Re: How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

Dan Stevens

We have experience that the member URL token fails to render at times if we have multiple flow steps in the campaign which changes the program status.

Clare Wilcox would recommend building a separate smart campaign to send email which is triggered when the program status changes to Registered. On form fill, trigger a campaign to change the program status, and do not include any other flow step in that smart campaign.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

I guess what I'm asking is which approach is more reliable - having the confirmation sent from GTW or creating one from Marketo?  And if using Marketo, the documentation clearly states to ensure the "change program status" and "send email" are the first two flow steps of the smart campaign (which shouldn't matter then how many additional flow steps there are).  Although I have seen it mentioned that a 10 minute wait step be added before the "send email" flow step to allow the token to render properly.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

We just successfully completed a test using the GTW integration.  All confirmation/reminder emails were sent from GTW, instead of Marketo.  Seems like this is the best approach, given some of the issues Marketo has in rendering the URL token.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How do I include a personalized GoToWebinar Link in Webinar Confirmation Email?

I have seen similar recommendation with the ON24 implementation we use as to the wait step to allow the token to sync back.

As to who should send, I am a strong believer that Marketo should be the sending authority so that tracking is possible.