Submitted form ignored by Marketo

Level 2

Submitted form ignored by Marketo

What may cause a situation not adding a member to a Program after someone submits form? We noticed that happening for some email addresses.

These people also do not receive any confirmation emails and are not recorded in the Smart Campaign results at all.

So, it looks like the form has been submitted on user end, but has not been received by Marketo at all.

This happened with some of our corporate addresses while testing on different browsers.

Some of these emails are already registered leads in our Marketo database, some of them - not.

What causes forms submitted not being received (ignored) by Marketo ? Why this happens ?

Please help!

Thank you.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

Let's be very clear about what and where is being "ignored." Does the form fillout appear in the lead's Activity Log? This where your troubleshooting must start. Don't start at the Smart Campaign, start at the ActLog. Then check SC qualification rules.

Level 2

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

Thanks Sanford,

2 of 3 emails that we were testing never became a lead.

1 email - previously existing lead in database - has no record related to this form on its lead's Activity log.

With many other emails (existing and new leads) everything works fine.

The only SC qualification rule is a trigger "Fills out form". (if this is what you are talking about)

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

These are telling symptoms.  The form fillout should always be at least an activity.  Please provide the URL to your form. Perhaps you actually have a code error that is aborting the form submit.

Level 9

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

Did it work the first time, but not on subsequent times?

If could be a qualification rule in the "Schedule" tab of the smart campaign. If you've limited leads to flow through a campaign only once, then your subsequent testing will be "ignored".

I know this isn't exactly what you've described above but it's worth a look..

Level 2

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

Hi Nicholas,

It never worked for any of those emails.

"Shedule" setting are

Campaign Status:     Active
Smart List Mode:     Triggered
Smart Campaign Settings
If lead has been in this Smart Campaign before
Each lead can run through the flow every time
If lead has reached the communication limits
Ignore limit

So, probably this not the thing that causes this issue.


Level 2

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo


Sorry guys, I was looking at a different lead database before.

I double checked with the correct Lead Database and found that all 3 leads are registered in Lead database.

2 of them have two lead records with the same email address. One of these duplicate leads has a record in Lead Activity log "Filled Out Form".

The 3rd lead also has a "Filled Our Form" record.

What is the reason for Marketo that prevents  Alerts and Emails being sent out ?

In SC flow I am using a Change Data Value rule for a lead.field that was created when all of these leads were already in the database.

I assume something prevents this Field to be updated for previously existing leads and this cause the whole Flow (with Alert and Email) not being executed. For all these 3 leads this field has not been updated, however "Change Data Value" is on 3 step of flow. (1 step - Alert, 2 - Email)

The "Change Data Value" rule says

If: <selected lead field> is empty

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

OK, so the Filled Out Form activities are being logged.  This is good.

There isn't any one reason that's preventing your Send Alert and Email steps from firing. Your Change Data Value step is not the cause (especially if you are seeing the value change). Did you say you aren't even seeing these leads qualify for the SC (Results tab)?  Are you absolutely sure you don't have a filter that's filtering them out?

Level 2

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

Sanford Whiteman wrote:

Did you say you aren't even seeing these leads qualify for the SC (Results tab)? Are you absolutely sure you don't have a filter that's filtering them out?

None of these "unsuccessful" leads are recorded in SC Results tab.

Do you know, what filters out of Program might cause these emails being "ignored" ? Are there any filters on higher (account) level ?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Submitted form ignored by Marketo

I mean filters in the Smart Campaign's Smart List.