MSI Question

Level 5

MSI Question

If we're sending a Marketo email through salesforce using MSI will the email come from the person who is sending the email? OR will it come from the lead owner if the email is tokenized so that the sender label and reply-to is the lead owner? Basically, I would like to send out a marketo email to a group of leads  through salesforce from their respective lead owner, but I do not want the email to come from me as I am not the lead owner.

If anyone has any insight into this i'd greatly appreciate it.


Level 10

Re: MSI Question

If you are using an Email Template that was published to MSI from Marketo, the from address will appear as whatever you've placed in the from address in the Marketo email editor. This can contain lead tokens (however, my.tokens will not work).

The only time it will show you in the from address is if you are not using a template when sending the email. Test it out before your send!

Level 6

Re: MSI Question

Hi Justin,

I'm sorry, but this is incorrect. MSI emails are always sent from the active user logged into SFDC, it ignores all tokens/values you put in the from name/email address. More on this here:

and vote for this idea too!

One workaround is to set up a smart campaign in Marketo that sends the email and have your reps request that campaign within the MSI tab of SFDC.

Level 10

Re: MSI Question

I followed up with the product owner so this must be unexpected behavior. I will see if they are aware of this issue and can address it soon. Ideally, the sender of an MSI template using an email would be able to choose whether to use the template's from address or their own.

Level 6

Re: MSI Question

That would be fantastic if it's just a bug. I do see an option in the admin panel to select your desired "From Address" for MSI, but there are no options other than "Salesforce User Email Address".

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: MSI Question

I can confirm that this is the case for MSI in MS Dynamics as well.  The FROM name and email is the lead owner in CRM - not the defined values in Marketo.  In fact, that's the only option for us:


Level 5

Re: MSI Question

Thank you!

Level 5

Re: MSI Question

Whenever you find out if this is a bug or expected behavior can you please update this discussion? Thank you!