Search Engine, Search String, and PPC Keyword

Not applicable

Search Engine, Search String, and PPC Keyword

Marketo Community used to have an article with a Javascript solution for capturing Search Engine, Search String, and PPC Keyword, which we implemented successfully on our site. Since then, the script has stopped working, so we were wondering if anyone had an updated script.
And here's one version of the script:
<!-- Search engine info capture for populating Lead Source field -->
<script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/public/jquery.cookie.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();
   //--- CHANGE THESE!!! ---
    // Change this to match domains of referrers you want to ignore.
    // You'll want to ignore referrers from your own domains.
    // Use only the base domain name without subdomains (ex. "")
    // Separate multiple domains with commas (leave the brackets).
  var excludedReferrers = [ "" ];
    // Change this to match the base domain of your company's landing pages.
    // Cookies will be created with this domain.
    // Ex. If your landing page domain is "" then use
    //     ""
  var cookieDomain = "";
    // The URL parameter that has your pay-per-click info.
    // Typically "kw" or "keyword" (depends on how you set up your PPC URLs)
  var payPerClickParameter = "kw";
    // IDs for the fields to be updated.
  var searchStringField = "#SearchString";
  var searchEngineField = "#SearchEngine";
  var payPerClickKeywordField = "#PayPerClickKeyword";
   //-- you probably shouldn't change anything after this --
  var refer = document.referrer;
  var searchString;
  var searchEngine;
      // if there's no referrer, do nothing
  if ( (refer == undefined) || (refer == "") ) { ; }
  else {
     // get the domain of the referring website -- http://[[]]/
    var referrerDomain =
      refer.substr(refer.indexOf("\/\/") + 2,
        refer.indexOf("\/",8) - refer.indexOf("\/\/") - 2).toLowerCase();
    var excludedDomainFound = false;
    var i = 0;
      // search the excluded domain list to see if the referrer domain is on it
    while ( (i < excludedReferrers.length) && !excludedDomainFound) {
      var thisExcludedDomain = excludedReferrers[i].toLowerCase();
        // weird semantics here -- indexOf returns "-1" if the search string isnt found.
        // thus excludedDomainFound is true only when indexOf matches an excluded domain (!= -1)
      excludedDomainFound = (referrerDomain.indexOf(thisExcludedDomain) != -1);
     // only if the referrer isn't in our excluded domain list...
    if( !excludedDomainFound ) {
        // extract the URL parameters from common search engines
        // To add your own, each engine needs:
        //  name: how the search engine will appear on your Marketo leads
        //  url: REGEX for matching the engine's referrer.  ex.  /\.google\./i
        //  query: URL parameter that contains the search query - usually "p" or "q"
      var searchEngines = [
       { name: "Yahoo", url: /\.yahoo\.co/i, query: "p" },
       { name: "Google", url: /\.google\./i, query: "q" },
       { name: "Microsoft Live", url: /\.live\.com/i, query: "q" },
       { name: "MSN Search", url: /search\.msn\./i, query: "q" },
       { name: "AOL", url: /\.aol\./i, query: "query" },
       { name: "Bing", url: /\.bing\.com/i, query: "q" },
       { name: "Ask", url: /\.ask\.com/i, query: "q" }
        // find the referring search engine (if any)
      i = 0;
      while (i < searchEngines.length) {
        if (refer.match(searchEngines[i].url)) {
          searchEngine = searchEngines[i].name;
          searchString = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: searchEngines[i].query,
            URL: refer, DefaultValue: "" });
         // If no search engine is found, this person probably used a less
         // popular one.  Use the referring doman, then guess the query parameter
      if (i == searchEngines.length) {
         searchEngine = referrerDomain;
         var queries = ["q","p","query"];
         var i = 0;
         while ((i < queries.length) && (searchString == undefined)) {
           searchString = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: queries[i], URL: refer });
           // no search strings found -- use this text instead.
         if (searchString == undefined) {
           searchString = "None";
         // Use the provided URL parameter to get the PPC keyword.
      var payPerClickWord = $jQ.getQueryString({ID: payPerClickParameter,
        URL: refer, DefaultValue: "" });
         // Put the info into cookies.  These values will be extracted
         // and put into a Marketo form later.  Expires in 2 years.
      $jQ.cookie('mktoPPCKeyword', payPerClickWord,
         {expires: 730, path: '\/', domain: cookieDomain});
      $jQ.cookie('mktoSearchEngine', searchEngine,
         {expires: 730, path: '\/', domain: cookieDomain});
      $jQ.cookie('mktoSearchString', searchString,
         {expires: 730, path: '\/', domain: cookieDomain});
    // Get the values from the cookies and put them into the hidden fields
<!-- END search engine info capture -->
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Not applicable

Re: Search Engine, Search String, and PPC Keyword

Some of that data is no longer available by Google. Perhaps there is a failure when it isn't receiving the parameters it expects to see.