SOAP API SyncLead always creates instead of updating leads

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SOAP API SyncLead always creates instead of updating leads


I am going around in circles trying to make an anonymous lead known using the SOAP API.

I can call getLead based on a cookie and retrieve the anonymous lead. But when I do a SyncLead using the same cookie, it always responds:

   leadId = 28607
   syncStatus = 
         leadId = 28607
         status = "CREATED"
         error = None
   leadRecord = None

As in, it creates a new lead instead of updating the anonymous lead.

Here are my synclead params:

   leadRecord = 
         Id = None
         Email = None
         ForeignSysPersonId = None
         ForeignSysType = 
               value = None
         leadAttributeList = 
               attribute[] = 
                     attrName = "Email"
                     attrType = None
                     attrValue = ""
   returnLead = True
   marketoCookie = "id:732-BYO-081&"




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Re: SOAP API SyncLead always creates instead of updating leads

You need to put the ID of the lead in your ParamSyncLead
So in your ParamSyncLead, you need to put Id = 28607, and there's another property called IdSpecified, you need to set that to true.

That's how I did update to a lead.

I'm also having trouble with Updating a Lead using syncLead,  because even though I pass in new Contact info, Marketo only updates the Company Info.

Anyone else having this issue? Or is this the expected behavior?
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Re: SOAP API SyncLead always creates instead of updating leads

Afraid that doesn't work for me. I am using the SOAP 2.0 API, and those fieldnames aren't valid there.