are you speaking about the line breaks between "around the world"/"why members" AND "...with us"/"Enjoy deep..."?
Basically to say something concrete I should se...
are you familar with JavaScript? Unfortunatley the only way seems to be to use JS. But no worries this community is quite good to help you in such cases eventhough...
Hi@Darshil_Shah1Thank you. Isn't it the case that the a-tag and the https:// has to be part of the email and shouldn't be hidden in a tag to enable Marketo to track the link.If the...
Great. This was my alternativ plan. Did realize that.
It's a hassle that we need to creat an additonal field for that. And that its's a hassle that the limitations for the change ...
@SanfordWhitemanah sorry, should have mentioned this. $RwmOffer is an array where the single entries are HashMaps. Therefor I tried to use the #foreach loop on an object compareabl...
Hi@SanfordWhitemanI have no idea what changed. But now I was able to use your code and I was able to access the data using "get()" methode.Great! Thanks!
I'm just wondering. Is Mar...
Hi@SanfordWhiteman,thank you. Unfortunatley it did not work for me. I tried it the following:
Creat a custom field of type text area.
That field could be requested in velocity us...
Hi@Jo_Pitts1this is pretty cool stuff. And it worked mostly when I was testing it.What did not work for me was to request the title with
Instead I had to use some...