So I'm trying to test a chat dialog where I am using conditional branching to push people who don't have certain data on their record down another path. The issue that I'm running ...
Hi all!I'm making some updates to our lead scoring model and was hoping to simply a flowstep.We use a Lead Ranking system that is a combination of of Behavior Score and Demographic...
Quick question for the communityWorking on a new Webinar event program template and my Ops team wants to send emails using nested email programs under an event program in order to ...
Hello Marketo Hivemind!Got a question regarding how the ICS file handles time changes around daylight savings.We have an event happening in April and the invite is scheduled to go ...
Hello Marketo hivemind!I'm looking for some help with the reCAPTCHA integration and how the Google disclaimer is showing up on the form.Our forms are using progressive profiling an...
Hello all,
I'm trying to figure out if its possible to setup a trigger based on no activity on an form within a specific timer period.
Specific use case:We web form that uses an A...
Hi All,
We are beginning to roll out DynamicChat our our website and a question from our Analytics team came up. I believe at the moment there isn't any direct integration with Ad...
Hi everyone,
My organization is in the process of implementing Marketo and lead scoring for the first time. We are also rolling out a new website using AEM and working on building ...