A typical lead scoring model usually means either of the following two approaches
A list/combination of triggered campaigns
A sequence of demographic/firmographic campaigns, and ...
Can't we use Email Assets in Streams to support Time-zone based delivery, even if we have the Engagement Programs setup with nested programs within them?
Operational emails ignore Unsubscribed and Marketing Suspended statuss. They send no matter what - Make an Email Operational - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation Besides, setting...
Durable Unsubscribe - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation mentions that - When a new person is created, Marketo checks it against the master email status table. If the person was...
Sandra Wachter's post - "Towards accountable AI in Europe" mentions the following - AI based systems are often opaque ‘black boxes’ and are difficult to scrutinize. As increasingly...
We've defined a smart list A with a Random Sample 1%, resulting in, say 200 (1% of 20,000) leads for the criteria. This is referenced in a batch campaign, the smart list of which i...
We're having an issue, where we have an email, with CTA on an image. The link works when we send a sample to ourselves, or to test leads. But there's an exception lead, who gets th...
Will Marketo add the value "Web Form Fill Out" or something specific to "LinkedIn" for Original Source Type - for the leads which are created via LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms? We need t...
I send a test email to myself, clicked the email CTA, which took me to a Thank You page with a link to a PDF. I clicked the link to PDF. This was logged as Clicked Link on Web Page...