Hi Brad,I have the same situation with two products that conduct marketing communications independently, and leads have to unsubscribe separately from each one. So, here's a questi...
Hi Christina, Thanks for your reply. In fact, the check don't show up even if I turn on ALL interesting moments. Here's a milestone I have: http://prntscr.com/jsgaej This one (a te...
Thank you Gregoire, this works.Here's where to do it: http://prntscr.com/iyj92p More info can be found here: https://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2015/04/17/strip-query-parameters-goog...
Sanford Whiteman wrote:The only way to associate these leads across domains is to use custom JavaScript for cross-domain communication, which is complex to manage correctly (it is ...
The problem is that I do care. I just think that nothing would change in terms of their vulnerability. With dozens of hacks happening every day, in the future world we'll have to g...
Hi Sanford, Domain A is AnyLogic: Simulation Modeling Software Tools & Solutions for Business Domain B is anyLogistix: Supply Chain Optimization, Simulation & Design Software Tools...
- Harm is considered to be anything that could cause a person physical/emotional stress.LOL. Basically, that could be anything in your life - even a kitten image, if you had bad ex...