I implemented the FormsPlus::Util library onto a page, and it's working great! (exactly as expected) Do you know how I would hide the "Not You" button, and only show it when that M...
Sanford,You are a rockstar! Sorry for the delayed response (we've been busy with a few other things). But, after removing the class mktoFieldDescriptor out of the KV HTML, and remo...
The page with the latest form is the same original link: https://go.ivanti.com/General-Test-and-Various-Reports_Thor-Test-2.htmlThere should only be one <input> element. The rest o...
Hey Sanford!I should have guessed what KV HTML stood for Thanks for taking the time to clarify.Okay, so I removed the JS in the KV HTML so it just includes the html of the form. T...
Thanks Sanford for you response! First off, what does KV HTML stand for? I'm assuming it means the HTML dialog in the form editor? Anyway, I totally get the notion of not needing t...