Hey Sanford Whiteman, just wondered what the best work around is for accessing info that typically livesin CO's in Salesforce, in Marketo. At the moment, we create new custom field...
Hi Sanford Whiteman, [I know this is an old thread, but still very relevant for me]So how would you update a group of leads who don't have an email address?The leads were created ...
If it helps, I'm using third party for SMS sends via webhook at the moment. Tried Twilio but ended up going with ClickSend for the reporting capability and a few other additional f...
This was more of an example, to represent multiple times where i've wanted to build a smartlist with a similar condition. i.e. generate a list a list of people who did 'x' , but on...
We use CO as well, but for this, yes it's different. It was really the 'can you send email to a secondary email address or field' that i was hoping was possible. But no such luck.....