Hi there!I've searched on google and using this forum's search but have come up blank on getting Known-Visitor custom HTML working on an external (wordpress) landing page. Basicall...
Hi there! I am trying to track which program caused a person's lead score to exceed our MQL threshold. In our instance, when a person's lead score exceeds 15, we consider the perso...
Hi there!We are trying to redirect the following URL: http://go.datavisor.com/rs/567-BUS-347/images/170313_DataVisor_Online_Fraud_Report.pdf To a landing page: https://www.dataviso...
Hi there!I am trying to use a token to set a referrer constraint in a "fills out form" trigger, but the trigger will not fire with the token. I have verified that:The trigger works...
Hi There!We are implementing a set of non-marketo landing pages into which we've embedded marketo forms. I'd like to use a "Fills out form" trigger with a constraint that the form ...
Hi there!I just implemented several test groups and they are breaking my smart campaign triggers "fills out any form on a specific landing page."Because we reuse the same form on m...
Hi there!Setting up contact roles in Salesforce is a pain that I'd rather not force on my sales team unless absolutely necessary. Is it possible to do multi-touch attribution witho...