Is there a way to sync a Marketo Program to a Salesforce Campaign programmatically via the API? We want to conduct 4-5 GoToWebinars a week and want to find a way to automate this p...
I see in the documentation that Bulk Lead Import is a "createOrUpdate" record operation.Is there any way to do a "createOnly" operation? We are using a document scraper to bulk imp...
Is there a way within the Smart List to create a filter that specifies a specific time of form submission?We want to create a campaign that assigns specific recruiters to a lead th...
Is there anyway to add a Custom Object Lookup in a Marketo Form?I have a One custom object to many Lead relationship in accordance to Gregoire's suggestion here: https://nation.mar...
I understand that Accounts in SFDC are synced one way to Marketo (as in you can't create Accounts through Marketo, however if I make a change in SFDC to an account then it will dis...
Hey Marketo Nation!We have a HTML form (with our branding guidelines) that we submit via JavaScript using the Forms API.We have two Fields we created called 'Relocation' and 'UScit...
Hello Marketo Nation!We are planning to create leads using the REST API. We have a custom built form (using our branding guidelines) and we will be creating the lead from the data ...
I have checked out many helpful discussions here in regards to file upload with Marketo forms with encode Base64, however I do see that size limits may become an issue within Marke...