Depends on if you are declaring a specific link.If not, then #3. If yes, then none of the above. It would be Clicked specific link 2x in any email (if that same link appears in oth...
All of this put together looks like a race condition to me. If a record filled out a form to unsubscribe, it's a bad idea to use filters to query that new data on top of the trigge...
I don't believe that the location of the label is inclusive to the Hebrew language, but more so a design aspect of forms. Currently, Marketo only allows you to place the labels abo...
Not entirely sure what you mean by predictive content for emails as I've not seen this before. Could you clarify this and how it's setup?Predictive content for landing pages can be...
AFAIK, No. The only way to get lead specific data is to use the Leads endpoint. When you use the activities endpoint, you'll only be able to query activity centric data. Your worka...
You're going to need to build a container and specify the image to be the background image, then you can layer elements on top of the background image, such as a CTA button. Some s...
Send it to yourself as a lead (single flow or campaign). If it bounces, you can grab the bounce code and troubleshoot further. If it does not bounce and successfully sends, then th...
Have you validated that it was indeed Laurie and not Lucy? Is Laurie a Default value? Are there Duplicates? First name was changed after the send? Email was forwarded from a Laurie...
I'm not entirely sure what issues you're experiencing, but I do know that I've built forms with Hebrew characters before so the answer is Yes. I didn't do anything special. Took th...