Hey Sanford,Thanks for helping out! This is our Ruleset Sheet.The field score column is what we are using as the lead score value in Marketo.Let me know if this doesn't make sense.
We are trying to redirect new leads who submit a certain webform to 3 different URL's based on their new lead score. This score is determined by the values they chose in the fields...
We have a form that existing leads will be visiting. We want to obtain certain information on that lead if we do not currently have it. Is there a way to display, to each individua...
This is the Javascript we ended up using!<script>function getUrlParameter(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name ...
These wont appear in the query string and we have too many forms in OM to build each one in Marketo and customize it in. After discussing with colleagues, it seems the only way to ...
We have an Opt-In Monster lightbox pop up form on our website. Once a contact fills this form out (Name, email) they are taken to a Marketo landing page with another form. We would...
We are changing our landing page URLs from info.myoldcompany.com -> info.mynewcompany.com and our email url's from go.myoldcompany.com -> go.mynewcompany.com. We have links all ove...