Hello,Ive just completed this process but Im still seeing no data in the deliverability tool. I cant find much info on the setup procedure but the networks team have added the txt ...
Its a simple link and nothing has been done to disable tracking so all standard stuff.
Its an email send to a specific customer, so many emails (less than 100 each time) ...
Thank you, I thought as much. And I presume its not as straight forward as switching the select and checkbox refs in the code for checkbox and checkboxes (if that is the correct te...
Thank you for your super quick reply, its doing exactly what I need on the codepen page. But applying the code to my pageIm having an issue.
I have update the fields in the code so...
We are running on 1 per day and 2 per week. Watch out however as comms limits can be ignored if two sends are scheduled too close together on the same day.
Hello AllI just had a read of this GDPR guide from Marketo Its says it applies "encryption to all data in transit".It includes the followingData Encryption By default, Marketo impl...
Hi All,Ive notice regular opens nearer to 50% recently. I'm suspicious but we have just moved to a dedicated IP and our lists are strictly cleaned. However Id prefer an increase in...
How would you persist the value without having or appending a field for each form? I dont want to overwrite the value but it seems its stored in the form fill activity. You just ca...