If the options are check boxes in the form, and I insert an image to the right, now the issue is with mobile phone. The image then falls under the various tick box options. How cou...
Yes, I can view all the code successfully in the asset. Nothing is in error there.
Back to the template I had cloned... Why won't it allow me to edit or preview? I do not understa...
Support suggested cloning the same template to make edits. I tried that, and I cannot get into edit mode. Something is not working. (why won't the clone allow me to edit draft?)
I got it to work by pulling in the URL of the form via an iframe. I had to set the height of the iframe container in order for entire form to display so that it'd be compatible on ...
I need to have a separate dropdown for the QTY next to each poster image. - Marketo does not allow to use the same field more than one time.
Now what? Unfortunately I am stuck and ...
Running into an issue. - There will be multiple QTY drop downs next to each poster design.
Seems I cannot repeat and use the same 'Field' more than once within the form? Is that so...
I'm working with a form...
To inject any JS, I would have to instead edit the template in order to place within the <head>... is that correct for Marketo?
I cannot apply JS code di...
What does the set up look like within your exclusion list so I can mirror and swap out with my info? Yes, I will be excluding a domain from a 3rd party application that's tracking ...