Is anybody else having trouble loading the out-of-the-box "Email Performance" report in Analytics? We used to get a monthly email from Marketo with this report called "Data Managem...
First a disclaimer: I am admittedly still a beginner in HTML.We have 1 specific email module that isdisplaying badly in certain email clients. The first screenshot below is how it ...
Hi all,I setup a new smart campaign (only filters, no triggers) and attempted to test by adding a couple specific email address as one of the filters (#7). I see that a test email ...
I created a Snippet and adjusted the content for a few segments, leaving the others to display the "default" content. Now, I want to adjust the default content without affecting th...
I have a specific campaign for which I am trying to build a smart list. I want any person who has purchased 2 specific products, in no particular order, but who has purchased the s...
Is there a way to create a block or element in an email that will be visible to certain people (segments), but not others? Snippets are good for showing different content to differ...
Is there a way to create a block or element in an email that will be visible to certain people (segments), but not others? Snippets are good for showing different content to differ...