Thanks. Yes, we have the Munchkin Code set on our website. I just wasn't sure how/whether the campaign would work with a web page rather than a marketo page. 'preciate the reply.
Hi Josh,We're running into the same problem as above: we want to show which selections were chosen and it shows up as a "1". I showed my web director this email chain and that you ...
Hi. Your code was helpful. I have another question: Is there a way to bring information from a smart list number ex: number of entries for a specific date to display as a hidden fi...
Thanks so much! Of course this is beyond my understanding. I'm going to enlist the help of our web designer.If we have any other questions, I'll let you know.
Hi Courtney, I'm in a quandary. We're thinking of doing a form that has a date selector that continuously only shows the particular dates we want to offer demos. For example, every...