You can block your sync to accept only certain leads.For instance, you can say if the lead is created from that Form, block them. Or mark them as Lead Source=Unsubscribed and block...
Peter,What do you mean by this? Do you mean any field that could be segmented by?Or do you mean Member of Segment? The Member of Segment is based on other criteria and the lead is ...
Sounds like a question for Support.Did you compare the GTW list against the Marketo list?It's possible that the person attended for a short time and somehow that was not counted.
Agree with Steffen,but how many people Opened vs. Number Sent?Did you use an ANY operator by mistake?Is there anything you are leaving out of the above screenshot? There could be a...
No, Marketo handles this for you. There is no need to add additional hidden fields.The caveat is that if the Social user is missing some of that data, it won't be populated.
You can always call Support if you're really in a pinch.That's where we in the Community can help or point you in the right direction. A lot of unique solutions get posted here, so...
No, I think she means when she sets up a new ProgramWhen you create a new Program, it should ask you which Channel Type you want. You need to Select Default, Email, Eventthen it as...
David,Please see you s...