Yes you can do this.First, create the second subdomain or main domain.Second, go to Support and ask them to add this to your account.Third - you'll have to use the same munchkin co...
Program Total Members should be everyone who is currently a member at any status.If your Program Statuses are set to be all Success, then Total Members=Success. Normally this is un...
The Program Analyzer is intended to be used to analyzer Programs by Channel and other metrics. Selecting a single program is not how to use this chart.
You have to be careful here.Your Login Timezone - this is what you set for yourself. Most parts of the system display this correctly. This is only a calculation.Your System (Instan...
Is unsubscribe=true still in Marketo?My understanding is that unsubscribe is persistent in the sense that you can delete their record and it still will block them.You can probably ...
Google only rarely is providing Original Search Phrase that Marketo can see easily.So you can't get this data without more work. There are several options if you do a search for "c...
Rashmi,I recommend creating the fields FIRST in SFDC, they will sync to Marketo.Then your form will have the fields and be able to sync that data across systems.See some of my thou...
The page report cannot be modified that way. Only by date you could change the date range to help.
If you are looking for visits, go to GA. If you want a count of l...