For Engagements, the cadences are "regular", that is, they are on a set schedule for Mondays at 3pm, etc.So there is NEVER a reason to use a trigger unless you happen to need an im...
TWo ways:Smart Campaign DripList: XFlow: send email, wait 30 days, Send Email Wait 30 daysOther way is to use Engagements, but this isn't worth it unless you expect lots of content...
Hi Valerie,I also attempted to do this and agree there isn't a perfect way unless you export the data to Tableau. I've tried smart lists of Was Sent Email+Unsubscribed etc. We were...
Sure, just add that restriction to the transitions or entry campaigns.Country=Australia or IS NOT Australia.Are you running several RCMs? You must ensure that each one is mutually ...
so you want your emails to come from a sales rep? Just use the Lead Owner Email Address token or put a name in there.{{lead.Lead Owner Email Address}} as long as ...