Both, looking for bad lists and/or long upload times. Over the weekend, small lists were taking a few hours to complete.Additionally, it would be handy for overall management. At o...
No, I am not getting an error.My idea is really in cases wherein you have multiple uploads underway. I know you can click on the individual list to look at the history, but it is n...
I see what you are saying. I suppose I am missing how I can set the cookie in the visotor browser when they visit the Marketo page? The parameter is passed via the URL from an exte...
Yes, they are similar. You could actually create a Smart Campaign with a trigger of Visits Web Page to update the record. My issue is the I need to take only the value of the param...
I'm actually seeting the parameter dynamically from extental sources. So I should revise the example I provided to 'http://markeo-landingpage/page.html?partner={{URLToken.("source"...