Yes, you can but it does take a fair amount of custom HTML code. I have frequently used JqueryUIHere is a link to the tabs demo. know it does require ...
You can't seem to find it via the SFDC search, but Google pulled up this link. note, it has been ...
If you are looking for SMS providers, I would recommend either StrikeIron or Twilio. Both have proven easy to use and integrate directly with Marketo.
Thanks Eliott. I am familiar with that method, but it seems to me that we should have that information in the UI for building the landing page. What you get when you click edit is ...
Both, looking for bad lists and/or long upload times. Over the weekend, small lists were taking a few hours to complete.Additionally, it would be handy for overall management. At o...
No, I am not getting an error.My idea is really in cases wherein you have multiple uploads underway. I know you can click on the individual list to look at the history, but it is n...
Yes, I have had experience with the connector. It actually proved to be helpful in that often email activity and leads were not updated by sales teams as they kept and only used Ou...
If you upload the presentation (like any other file) then you can link to it from any landing page or email for that matter. The borader question would be accessiblilty. I would re...