Yes, the code works. If you scan the javascripts that get loaded, In the code, i had to import the forms2.js into the block to get the MktoForms2.whenReady to work. My question is ...
Sounds like it might be right, but without seeing the code it is hard to say.The documentation to fill in a hdden field value is at
Here is the code.<script type="text/JavaScript" src="" ></script>//This line here is required or the ReferenceError:...
Seems like it is an simple case of the trigger looking for the wrong value or you are referencing the same field in both and looking for any change. Double check that. I have done ...
One problem I see with the logic of using where Lead Owner is emtpy is when the lead is about to be assigned. In my case, I am running some validations before a lead is synched ove...
Hi Lisa,If you have the assets indexed (like a PDF), the search engine will reference that PDF in the URL and will directly link to that asset (defeating the purpose of the date). ...
Hi Carlos,Looks to me as if you are getting the vaue from lead correctly. However, you should using the .toDate() method (if available).