Hi Amy,In all strictness, this double consent is what should be done. Most companies are merging the 2 in order to simplify the forms. Which leads to a conclusion: if the person do...
Hi Bethanie,Yes, you ought to be safe. And then you can hide the fields and finally ask support to "deep hide" them.Marketo PS has started to work on service to remove the sync fro...
Hi Liz,Honestly, I am not sure I like this one. By Design, Marketo separates clearly the various components (emails, forms, LPs, workflows, ...) of a marketing "scenario" (a.k.a pr...
HI Kelly,This is done purely through CSS. It will take someone with such skills to do this.If you publish the URL of your page here, some of us can help you.Greg
Hi Dan,I think that the approach from Clevertouch is ot GDPR compliant. The article 7.4 of the GDPR writes:When assessing whether consent is freely given, utmost account shall be t...