Unless something has changed in terms of how Marketo searches string values, this would only look for the entire string when setup like this:However, if you entered it like this, i...
Using RCE, you can run an "email sent" analysis. While this will give you the number of sent emails (by email, to number of people), the number of emails listed (rows) is what you'...
Josh makes a good point. Often times the deliverability rate is nowhere near the % of emails that actually make into the users' inbox (especially if you're sending emails to multip...
Hi Lauren - I've made adjustments, deleted/re-added the smart list, etc., and still no fix. Support provided a "workaround" to create a smart list that included an "email address i...
...and I created that post/thread a year ago. I'm just surprised that this isn't affecting more customers. And why just a handful of us? Or are more customers just not aware that t...
Chris - was this unique instance of the issue fixed; or were they able to apply a long-term fix so that this doesn't continue happening. According to support:It's a fairly simple f...
Yesterday, we opened up a ticket with support after a member of my team uploaded a list of event attendees to process and the smart campaign to process these people showed that it ...
If you have an ever changing DB i.e. Change Data Value etc then you will experience a small lag on load. Isn't this basically every Marketo customer? CDV is probably the most commo...