For the past couple of weeks, all notifications/emails from the community, support and other Marketo sources weren't being delivered into my inbox. This was very odd as I receive m...
Hi Sule - this works for existing leads as well. While we still can (in some countries), we'll be running a variety of highly relevant opt-in campaigns to encourage folks to opt-in...
Unfortunately, two or more duplicates that are either MS LEADS or CONTACTS, must be done within MSD. An idea has existed for some time now, but this doesn't appear to be on Marketo...
In our experience, it does not resolve over time. Although the workaround we were provided by Support was to manually enter all of the email addresses into a smart list of a smart ...
Hi Kayla - yes, this is very consistent with what we've been experiencing in our instance. And no, there is no resolution. When I spoke to one of the Support leads last week, they ...
Emails that use tokens can still reside centrally in Design Studio. They just need to be called by smart campaigns (within Programs) in Marketing Activities. For example, all of ou...
Agree with Josh here. The other issue we experienced when importing programs from sandbox to production (and vice-versa) is that none of the images came over - you have to do that ...
Come May 25, 2018, explicit consent will be required for all European countries as a result of the GDPR. More specifically, consent will be required for any person in the EU (irres...
This is somewhat related to this existing idea: But I agree - it's so important these days to gain explicit consent across every channel - not just on our "owned" properties - ahe...