You're welcome, happy to help!! Let me know how it goes for you.I've also found the community to be incredibly valuable over the years!! I have learned a lot from reading through o...
You can also restrain the filter by the number of visits - that way you can score people based on how many pages they visit rather than just one visit. You can also certain exclude...
Hi Shelly Wilson,I've totally been down this road - and for those of us not blessed to have RCE are forced to follow slightly more complicated paths. This is what I would do and h...
I would like to just add to Jep Castelein's comments - we did go through with the project with Marketo and it worked great for us! Sounds like they are still in a "beta" phase with...
Hi Jasmine,I've always used separate streams for either different stages of the buyer journey (i.e. Awareness, Consideration, Decision) or by lead funnel stages (i.e. Suspect, MAL,...
I felt like this was the case at my last company too. I tried convincing my boss that we needed to switch our focus to web visits and form fills, but unfortunately those number did...
Not sure why I didn't know this one before, but this year I learned how you can add custom columns to People Performance Reports. This has saved me so much time on exporting severa...