It looks like the issue wasn't that my "Member of Engagement Program" filter wasn't working. Rather, as my reply above mentions, the problem was form fills, where multiple product ...
I'm curious what an "Engagement Router program" is! I couldn't find any documentation or examples of this in the forums.
I tried segmentation for one of my triggers in my engageme...
Update: It turns out my variables were causing the issue. These are defined in the <head> of my email using <meta> tags. Once I removed them and used inline styles instead, the for...
Now I'm hoping to configure my token as a whole section of HTML content so it wouldn't leave an extra space if the condition doesn't match (a la this post- though it notes unintent...
After some testing, I can get things to "work" if I change the script to == 2007. Examples:
For someone whose field value is 2007, it shows up as Member since: 2007.
For someone w...
Thank you! This makes sense, but I tried it and it shows up blank no matter what the year value is. My token within the email is{{my.membersince}}, andI sent test emails using lead...
What about through activity logs vs. lead fields? We're pulling data from form fills into our CRM via the activity table, not the lead table (I might be using the wrong terminology...