Wouldn't the combination of the wait step w/anniversary option and a campaign setting of allowing each person to run through the flow only once every 364 (or 365??) days do the tri...
Thanks@SanfordWhiteman! Appreciate the code and explanation!!
Thinking about the wait step w/anniversary option again - I wonder if it would work to set up a separate triggered ca...
Thanks@SanfordWhiteman! I didn't realize until today when I stumbled upon this other postwith your reply that the + [timeframe] is a possibility!! And your application above is bri...
The mkt_tok is always stripped from the URL immediately after loading. So have you verified that it isn’t there in the initial redirect?
Do you mean it's always stripped from lan...
Aha! The pre-fill worked in Incognito! (Side note, I copied the email link with our branded domain before it switched over to the final URL.) But, the mkt_tok is not there.
If I r...