We have lots of events, which we offer registration for new leads.If I'm not quick enough, the registration form can stay live on the web after the event. Does anyone have a neat s...
Hi - is this expected behaviour?If a lead fills out a form that is embedded on a non-Marketo page:<script src="//app-sn01.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"></script><form id=...
Hi allI'm doing something simple, but getting unexpected results.I'm running a smart campaign to add to a list.SL: Lead is created triggerFlow: 1. Add to list 'Acquired in last 30 ...
HiMaybe this feature exists (the sandbox?)?I'd like to be able to save my own campaigns to the "program library". In the same way I can import campaigns from the Marketo Program Li...
Hi - I started asking a question but figured it out halfway through, I think. So I figured I'll post it anyway.--------------Hi, I want to move people who have registered but haven...
I need to figure out a way to capture relevant information on a leads record, which is supplied by the sales person and not the lead. The scenario is that at an event, a lead will ...
Hi allI'm attempting to make some radio buttons in a form appear as separate images. Has anyone attempted this? Here is a working example [Edit fiddle - JSFiddle] , but unfortunat...