Thanks Gerard Donnelly! We've done extensive testing in Email on Acid as well and cannot recreate. I'll be sure to share what the development agency finds if they are able to corr...
No never heard from anyone on community. We've enlisted an agency with more advanced developers on their team, and our issue seems to be mostly around DPI scaling on the clients' e...
Thanks Sanford!! I did see some of your previous posts for "time on page" but it seemed like it was more about triggering interesting events based on a set timeframe. I'm wondering...
Hi Ann & Gregoire,I was having the same issues and wanted to confirm that after I removed the MSI visual force from all page layouts it was on (Accounts, Contacts & Opportunities f...
You mentioned that CRM sync was not affected; however, we experienced tremendous delay in loading accounts, contacts and opportunities in Salesforce. When we reached out to Salesfo...
Hi Ayana Nickerson - is the On-Demand course the same as the link Michelle provided above? It looks like all of the exam prep has filled up again already. Thanks!
Ok - thanks again Sanford! That makes sense and sounds like it would be a good way to deploy globally for embeding on an external site.I think we'll do some tests with reusing one ...