Hey Bec,What's occurring here is the redirected page is taking the referrer of the iframe which your form is sitting in, and in this case, it does not have any of those URL paramet...
Hey Keith,This article provides a list of Tokens populated by triggers which you can use in alert emails:https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000KywJCAS
Hey Trask,I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but you might be looking for server side form post:http://community.marketo.com/MarketoResource?id=kA650000000GsXXCA0
Hey Vlada,In addition to Breno's suggestion, if you have a need to blank out a field, this can be done by using a Change Data Value step, and setting the New Value to "NULL". This ...
Hey Jiun,When pulling information from a custom object through velocity, it must be attached to the lead record for which it is being pulled. It may be better for you to run the em...
Hey Karly,To do this you simply need to go to Admin>Tags, and then edit the channel that you wish to change the progression statuses for. You can find more information here:http://...
Hey Brian,The same applies to syncLead as it does to Change Data Value. You can input "NULL" into the attribute, and it will clear the value in the field.
Hey Eric,Where is the JS itself being executed? Are you retrieving that script via an XHR, and then executing it client-side? If so what has you testing shown? Is the associateLead...
Hey Eric, You should remove the final comma from the 'associateLead' array. Instead of this:
FirstName: <?php echo "'" . $theName . "'"; ?>, It should be this:FirstName: <?php e...