I'm hiring for an exciting opportunity on my team at Bain. This role will be responsible for managing our Marketo instance, setting up its integration with Salesforce and finding n...
We'll be migrating from Dynamics D365 to Salesforce and Saleforce professional services will be doing the implementation for us. I need someone to help with the Marketo integration...
We seem to be running into the [oob] bounce issue more frequently. This is when emails sent via Marketo are first recorded as being delivered, but are then quickly recorded as havi...
We will begin using Episerver as our CMS next year and we will want to use their Marketo connector. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on and/or experiences with the connector. We ...
I am looking to hire someone with 1-2 years Marketo experience to work hands on with our Marketo programs. This is a great growth opportunity as we are looking to really build out ...
I'm wondering if anyone knows which permissions will allow users to create/view local asset reports in programs? I'm not having any luck with this. I thought it might have been und...
Is there a way to trigger a reminder email to be sent 1 hour before a certain date? My webinar date is a date program token field and I can easily automate the day prior reminder, ...
I'm wondering if there is a way to have Dynamics ignore updates from Marketo at the individual field level? So basically like Block Updates in Marketo's Field Management, but on th...
We just created a new field in Dynamics CRM and checked it off in Marketo under "Integration > Microsoft Dynamics > Field Sync Details". The field is now grayed out, checked off an...
I don't see many discussions on this topic here. I am wondering if anyone has integrated with Brightcove (Launchpoint link below) and what their experience has been so far? We may ...