Hi. I'm having a problem with an email cta button link(s) not getting tokenized with the mkt_tok parameter. The button also has a VML backup for Outlook. The text links in the emai...
Does anyone know of a good way to handle situations where someone inadvertently
inserts an oversized image into an email through the mktoImg ImagePicker?Even though I have a max...
I tried to use a Unicode 6.0 emoji (Q-encoded) in the subject line of one of my emailsand it rendered fine in all but a handful of email clients.I then swapped in an older Unicode ...
I am creating an html email with a few rows of table cells containing an image and a piece of dynamic content (text).Is there a way to hide one or more cells if the dynamic content...
Our customer uses Salesforce to preview and send out Marketo emails. The problem we are having is that if the Marketo email uses Template Modules with variables the Salesforce prev...
Hi. Is there any way to suppress the Branded Domain url from being added to email links when sent out?I tried adding "mktNoTrack" and "mktNoTok" to the <a> tag and didn't work.#It'...
I'd like to create a survey form with multiple questions with checkbox/radio answers that will be embedded on a non-Marketo web page.Survey results will be captured in Marketo.I ju...
Does Marketo support kinetic (using dynamic and interactive CSS) email development?Examples: FreshInbox - Dynamic and Interactive (Kinetic) Email Techniques